We welcome your application! Typically, our parents enjoy touring the facility first. Please call 614-794-8146 to schedule your private tour.
Once all of your questions have been answered, Kindergarten families will schedule a Readiness Screening for their child, and all other families will schedule a Shadow Day so that their child may visit for a day in their appropriate classroom. At the time of scheduling your child's visit, you may pick up an Admissions Application. After applying, you will have a Family Interview with our Administrators.
Onetime fee for individually screening a child before qualifying for entrance to CCCA: $50
Enrollment fee per student (non-refundable) due at time of acceptance: $225
Kindergarten: $5,720
Grades 1-5: $5,408
Each Additional Sibling: 10%
Kindergarten: $5,100
Grades 1-5: $4,800
Second Child Discount: 10%
Third Child Discount: 20%
If you are a CCPC member you will receive a 15% Discount
If your entire year's tuition is paid in full by August 1st you will receive a 5% discount.