It can be difficult, to sum up, a Montessori in a few words. Basically, it is a deeper approach to child development and education. It is a unique worldview philosophy. Teachers choose their words carefully to be sure to treat children with respect, and consistently encourage independence and critical thinking.
Common phrases used in a Montessori classroom include:
The goal is to concentrate on the time and effort the student put into their work and the resulting outcome. By focusing on hard work instead of results kids adopt the mindset that they can improve through effort.
In Montessori schools, students are also teachers. The teachers in the classrooms are merely guides that supply lesson and help kids discover on their own through targeted materials, self-analysis and carefully prepared environment.
Another key Montessori value is independence in the classroom and at home. The aim is for teachers to encourage students to do things on their own. Although it is easier to just answer a question, teachers redirect by helping kids find the answer themselves.
Students have many responsibilities in a Montessori classroom, including caring for their environment. They tend to take pride in their contributions, watering plants, cleaning tables, and happily arranging table centerpieces.
This simple phrase helps students remember classroom rules and expected behaviors. It works to use objective statements as reminders on how the school operates. This approach is more effective than barking orders and is more likely to bring forth student cooperation.
A fundamental component of Montessori teaching is protecting student concentration. Classes provide large chunks of undisturbed time to work, typically about three hours. This allows kids to be undisturbed while they develop deep concentration.
This important part is one that impacts teachers and parents. They are both encouraged to trust the internal timeline of development for each child. Every action is believed to be done for a reason.
Every child has unique gifts, needs, and passions, and must be guided and taught accordingly. By following the child it can help you see him in a different way and work with him instead of against him.
One of best things about Montessori teaching is that it goes beyond education—it is a method of viewing and being with children. Even kids who do not attend a Montessori school, can easily be taught these ideas at home.