The summer holiday is great for a lot of things, but studying is not one of them. Kids miss a lot of time in school, and studies show that a child can end up losing up to three months’ worth of math and reading skills. Luckily, there are some toddler activities in Cypress, TX, that you can sneak in your kid’s life to cleverly keep your kid learning to avoid the summer slide. In this blog, we will discuss these activities in detail to help you keep your child learning.
Challenge your child to do something she loves as part of learning. For example, you can ask her to design a board game for soccer, Disney, dogs, or anything that she likes. By doing so, your child will need to incorporate a bit of research to figure out the rules of the game. This will keep her engaged, which is vital during the summer.
This has nothing to do with Netflix’s Queen’s Gambit, but teaching your kid how to play chess can play a huge role in your kid’s cognitive development. The game makes a child more innovative like an engineer, discover like a scientist, and solve issues like a mathematician. Even if you don’t know how to play the game, a simple Google search can show you how to do it in simple steps, and then you can teach your kid.
Well, we all love music, regardless of our ages. Yes, we all have different tastes, but you can tap into the power of music to cleverly teach your kid. For example, you can have your child listen to her favorite song and let her rewrite the lyrics on paper. Alternatively, you can ask your kid to write a rap song about her favorite cartoon.
Movies are fun, but some of them can be very educational. They can teach kindness, forgiveness, self-confidence, and more. After watching a movie with your kid, start a conversation about it with her. Ask if she liked it and discuss what she liked about it. Let your child air her opinion on things her favorite character should have done differently. If your child is big enough, challenge her to come up with an alternative ending to the movie.
There are a lot of materials with good information that can be good for the development of your kid. Give her reading options, including comic books, joke books, poems, magazines, storybooks, and more. You can make it even more fun by allowing her to listen to audiobooks. You can as well read for her whenever possible. Listening to you read or audiobooks improve your child’s listening skills and, of course, teaches her new vocabularies, among other benefits.
While this might not be the most convenient way for you to keep your children learning, they will come to appreciate it when they go back to school the next year. Set a few minutes for learning, and make sure that your kid follows the schedule. For example, you can set 20 minutes aside in the morning after breakfast for your kid to learn something. Just don’t overdo it. Twenty to thirty minutes per day should get the job done.
During the summer, there is a lot of time left for you and your child. You can use this opportunity to teach your child the basics and give her more responsibilities. Here are a few things you can teach your kid this summer holiday:
After teaching her the basics, don’t be afraid to give her more responsibility to see if she’s learning. Sometimes, let her do the cleaning or cooking to boost her confidence in the tasks.
Talk to us if you are looking for a Montessori school in Cypress, TX. We have experience of over 20 years, and your child will be in safe hands in our teachers. Our positive learning environment will ensure that your kid becomes a better person in the future.