Infant Activities Can Fill Every Moment of the Day

Infant Activities Can Fill Every Moment of the Day

Jan 01, 2021

Days with babies are boring at times and engaging during the other. Hidden inside the everyday infant activities are many milestones and grumpy minutes. You may think you are scaling Mount Everest when you have every minute of the day filled by something until bedtime.

Suppose you want to create more magic with the baby. In that case, you can either try some activities we have put together for you or consider enrolling your child with cypress Montessori, where they will receive everything they hadn’t done before. We will also provide information on infants’ sensory activities that make you wonder why you hadn’t thought about it earlier. Keep reading to look at some of the activities you will find interesting.

Baby Massages

While you can find many baby massage groups around the country, there is no need to confine your child to a classroom. Plenty of information is available online that you can explore before getting down to some beautiful bonding time with your kid.

Sensory Bottles Can Make Playtime Fun for Your Kid

Walk down the street searching for baby toys, and your wallet will become considerably lighter within no time. Many baby toys can be made at home, including sensory bottles that keep your baby mesmerized.

Playing with Pom-Poms

This one undoubtedly needs some supervision, but if you manage to get decent sized pom-poms with a few toilet roll tubes, your baby will have lots of fun with them. Posting on moving the pom-poms from place to place keep babies occupied for an extended duration.

Salt Dough for Hand and Footprints

If you want to have memories for another day, you have a simple and affordable way to make some salt dough to have fun taking your baby’s hand and footprints. Your baby enjoys exploring the texture of the spare dough.

Let Your Baby Pop the Bubbles You Blow

Have you ever seen a jigsaw going perfectly with anything? Babies and Bubbles undoubtedly do. Blow some bubbles past your baby’s face and have fun watching them become elated when trying to pop them.

Puppet Play with Fingers

Babies need plenty of communication before developing any language. An excellent way to communicate with your baby is to put some finger puppets and make-up a story of fun and wonder. Your baby won’t demand much, and no one is watching you, so go ahead and use your imagination.

Edible Finger Paint Enables You to Make and Play with Your Child

When children create their first piece of artwork, it is always cherished. However, babies love putting things in their mouths. You can quickly get around this problem by getting them some edible finger paint and has some mucky painting time with the baby. You will cherish the artwork for your lifetime.

Enjoy Tummy Times

You may consider the above inconsequential, especially with young babies. However, it makes sense for you to have plenty of tummy time with your baby. You can make this activity one by itself by popping your child on your chest and indulging in activities like singing and chanting. You will notice your child is keen to push up and engage.

Playing With Rattles

Rattles have been around for hundreds of years with good reason. Babies love shaking things, especially ones that make noise. You can make some rattles yourself if you have the time.

Singing Nursery Rhymes

Your baby loves your voice, and you don’t need to be a specialist to sing nursery rhymes. Pick up some of your old favorites and get going with the actions. Your baby will enjoy your tunes even if they are awful.

Balloon Kicking

Balloon kicking isn’t an ancient classic but is a favorite activity that children love. You can tie helium balloons around your baby’s ankles, letting them float a couple of feet over them. Your baby will kick and jiggle, enjoying being in control of their only source of entertainment.

Give Your Baby a Treasure Basket

Walk around your home to collect a bunch of baby-friendly household objects. Put them all in a basket and let your baby have a great time traversing various items and forms that are unusual from plastic toys. Items like balled up socks, pine cones, and others are all favorites with children. Just ensure you supervise your kid without fail.

If you find infant activities overwhelming or do not have the time at your disposal, you can always contact cypress Montessori for the help you need to keep your baby entertained.

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