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Summer 2024 Calendar

Check out our Summer 2024 Calendar, Limited Slots are available

Our summer 2024 program contains countless fun and educational activities. We are packing our bags and taking a road trip within each classroom as if we are traveling around the United States of America! Our journey will feature twists and turns as we learn about our nation’s capital, as well as the capital, flag, and interesting facts about each state

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About Lycee Montessori School in Cypress, TX

Think your child's day could use the benefits of the Montessori program? Imagine early education programs that At Lycee Montessori in Cypress, TX, we foster leadership and lifelong learning. Young children learn to develop independence and have freedom within limits for a strong sense of order. We encourage curiosity, creativity, concentration, and confidence. We focus on the development of the whole child. Our goal is to create an environment where infants, toddlers, children, and families alike become more empowered and eager to enjoy education. Our system of education for young children seeks to develop natural interest and activity rather than using format-like teaching methods that other children's houses, child care centers, and daycare centers in Cypress, TX, often offer.

Lycee Montessori is an institution for educating children, where the primary goal of our head of school, board of trustees, faculty, and staff is to foster a child’s natural inclination to learn. Maria Montessori believed in the teacher education theory that Montessori students would learn best through unique learning materials, and her legacy is maintained through the schools and day cares affiliated with the American Montessori Society. Our Montessori educators in Cypress, TX don't instruct as they would in a traditional academy preschool in Cypress. Faithful to the history of Montessori's method, each one guides children with activities that meet their interests, needs, and developmental levels.

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20+ Years of Experience

Our team has over 20 years of experience in education & child development using Montessori materials.


Children Are Our #1 Priority

Our focus is on providing your child with a learning experience & education like no other.


Family-Owned School

Our Montessori elementary school in Cypress, TX is a family-owned institution, so your children's learning experiences with us are tailored specifically to their needs.

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Lycee Montessori's specialized educational approach offers a variety of parent resources and primary learning programs, including toddler programs, an infant care center, lower elementary programs, toddler daycares, Montessori preschool, and more. Depending on their school experience and age, the kids learning approach can be tailored to ensure a balanced experience. Give us a call if you have any questions about the services we offer, how we handle health and safety, or anything else that comes to mind.

Testimonials from Parents

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